Manitoba Human Rights Commission / La Commision Des Droits de la Personne du Manitoba



The Manitoba Human Rights Commission is made up of 17 staff reporting to an Executive Director.

The Executive Director reports to the Board of Commissioners. The Executive Director reports on all finance and administration matters to Manitoba Justice.

Each and every one of our staff has training in human rights and is committed to the Commission's mandate and the pursuit of equality.

Staff Chart

Winnipeg Office

p: 204-945-3007 | f: 204-945-1292
700-175 Hargrave Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3R8

Brandon Office

p: 204-726-6261 | f: 204-726-6035
341-340 Ninth Street, Brandon, MB R7A 6C2

Toll Free: 1-888-884-8681